
Forward Together: Leading the Non-Profit Sector Through the Recession

A full day conference for Non-Profit Executive Directors, Chief Executive Officers, Senior Management Staff, Finance Directors, Operations Directors, HR specialists and Board Members. This conference is appropriate for non-profit organizations located in Ontario.

This conference will assist non-profit organizations to proactively manage and build capacity during these difficult economic times.

Date: Monday May 25, 2009
Time: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Location: Toronto, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP, Scotia Plaza, 40 King Street West, 44th Floor

TDSB Budget and Parent Meetings

The Toronto District School Board has decided to hold public budget consultations this year. There will be four meetings (one in each of the "quadrants") and specific dates and locations can be found below.

Please feel free to circulate the information widely in your community/organization/school and encourage people to attend the meetings.

Also below are dates for parents/school council members to attend "PIAC" - sponsored (Parent Involvement Advisory Committee) meetings re: "creating a vice-principal/principal profile and building successful partnerships". If you want more information about the PIAC meetings, the contact info. is at the end of the email.

Research Forum: Fixing Ontario’s Affordable Housing Crisis

CSPC-T Research and Policy Forum

Fixing Ontario’s Affordable Housing Crisis: Proposals for the Non-Profit, Co-op and Private Rental Markets

Please join us for our May forum with:

  • Harvey Cooper, Co-operative Housing Federation, Ontario Region
  • Sharad Kerur, Ontario Non-Profit Housing Association
  • Mary Todorow, Advocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario

Toronto District School Board Cuts and Closures

The Toronto District School Board’s budget process is here!

The TDSB is facing an $23.6 million budget shortfall for this year.

Trustees Chris Bolton, Maria Rodrigues, Cathy Dandy, and Irene Atkinson would like to hear from you!

Alliance of Seniors Public Forum

Being held in Toronto City Hall’s Council Chambers on May 6th at 1:00 p.m., the event features Mayor David Miller and honours Dr. Ursula Franklin for her life-long dedication to social justice and peace. For more information write to [email protected] or  cal 416-260-3429.

HUMA Hearings Outside Ottawa

The federal Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills, & Social Development and the Status of People with Disabilities (HUMA) will be holding hearings outside of Ottawa this spring. They will be in Toronto on June 1 & 2.

Jobs & Justice: From Poverty to Economic Security

Public forum featuring Carolyn Egan of  the Steelworkers’ Toronto Area Council, Avvy Go, Chinese & Southeast Asian Legal Clinic & Chris Schenk, Labour Studies at McMaster University exploring how the current economic crisis affects our ability to share society’s wealth, including the example of encouraging green jobs. The event is part of the Ontario Coalition for Social Justice Spring Assembly being held May 8-9 in Toronto.

Help Save Our Hospitals - Queen's Park Rally

April 29 at 11:30 am join the Ontario Health Coalition and people from across Ontario to ask Premier McGuinty to protect local hospitals. Visit their website for more information.

A New Resource Library in Honour of Ed Pennington

The Community Social Planning Council of Toronto has a new resource library thanks to the generosity of many donors and the family of late CSPC-T Executive Director Ed Pennington. Pennington was Executive Director of the Council from 1976 to 1987, and a firm believer in the need to share information as broadly as possible and maintain an engaged membership.

Workers' Rights in Troubled Times - Mount Dennis Town Hall Meeting

Fix Employment Insurance Now!
More Protection for Temporary Workers - Pass Bill 139 Now!

Mount Dennis Town Hall Meeting
Tuesday, May 5th
Registration | 6:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Town Hall | 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

1050 Weston Rd. (on Weston, south of Eglinton)
Refreshments provided

For more information, please contact Cutty Duncan at Mount Dennis ANC at 416-242-7031 or [email protected]

Mount Dennis Town Hall is hosted by the Community Social Planning Council of Toronto in partnership with Good Jobs For All Coalition and Action for Neighbourhood Change – Mount Dennis

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