
Beth drew on her distance-based fares research to speak in support of this recommendation at the February meeting of the TTC Board.


Since 2020 the Toronto Transit Commission and York Region Transit have been developing a joint, 5-year fare plan, examining a number of ways of charging for transit use. Sparked by this opportunity to create a more equitable transit system, senior researcher Beth Wilson examined one of the fare options being considered — distance-based fares, i.e., paying more to travel further within the city of Toronto.
Our analysis showed that implementing distance-based fares within Toronto would most negatively impact racialized and immigrant residents of the inner suburbs. Thankfully, City staff have recommended the TTC stick with the existing flat fare to travel within Toronto, and Beth...


SPT joined 54 other organizations to co-sign TTCriders’ open letter making fare recommendations for a fair pandemic recovery and calling on Council to invest in transit affordability in the 2022 City Budget. We and other budget partners also helped TTCriders get us one step closer to the full implementation of the Fair Pass Transit Discount Program for low-income riders.

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