City of Toronto Budget

The City of Toronto's budget meetings are an important opportunity to demonstrate to the community, to councillors and to media the strength and vitality of the community-based sector in Toronto. We saw last year the impact that the arts sector had on the city budget, getting significantly increased funding for special projects through advocacy and a strong presence at the debates. With next year's Community Partnerships Strategy process already planned, we need to start building momentum for a big advocacy campaign for the 2010 budget and election to make sure that we see the investment in communities that we know is needed to make Toronto a livable, affordable city for everyone.

Community Meeting: City Budget Analysis

February 11th, 1:00-4:00pm | Metro-Central YMCA, 20 Grosvenor Ave.

On Wed. Feb 11th, the day after the city budget is released, the Community Social Planning Council of Toronto and Toronto Neighbourhood Centres will host an afternoon workshop to debrief the budget, highlighting items which impact the community-based services sector and providing analysis which can assist the sector in the development of their own responses for the February 18th public budget hearings. In addition to the budget debrief, we'll also be looking to collect some information on service trends across the city in order to inform community campaigns and research initiatives.

Click here to register for the Community Meeting - City Budget Analysis

Make Sure You're Heard!

Call or Email Today to Make a Deputation to Council

Contact the City Clerk's office as soon as possible to get on the list of deputees for the February 18 public hearings on the operating budget. You can be added to the deputant's list by calling the city clerk's office at 416-392-8016 or by emailing [email protected] and providing the name of the deputee, the organization they belong to, and their contact information (including address).

We want to see a really strong showing from community agencies this year, demonstrating our engagement, commitment and capacity to support progressive measures in the City of Toronto. Please let us know if you're planning to make a deputation by emailing [email protected].

Important Upcoming Dates

  • Feb. 10th - The City of Toronto Operating Budget is released to the public.
  • Feb. 11th - CSPC-T and TNC host community meeting for budget analysis and community dialogue
  • Feb. 17th - Council debate on the Operating Budget
  • Feb. 18th - Public hearings before Council on the Operating Budget

The Status of Anticipated Priority Issues

  • 2% inflationary cost of living increase for CPIP funded programs (this increase is likely to be included in the announced budget - we need to be present on the 18th to ensure it stays on the table)
  • $600,000 to support community consultation and engagement related to the development of the Community Partnerships Strategy. (these funds are also likely to be included in the announced budget - but again, if we want them to make it through final decisions at council we need to speak up this year).
    This process will set the groundwork for a significantly revisioned relationship between the city and community agencies in 2010 through community priorities and effective indicators. Support of this funding and this process will be critical to ensuring that the implemented strategy is effective, and will be a significant issue for agencies and communities in the 2010 budget and elections.
  • Student nutrition program funding. The Medical Officer of Health has submitted a report recommending a budget increase of $1,479,056 to new student nutrition programs in communities with high needs. This funding is seen as a significant priority due to the recessionary economic situation which is causing dramatic increases in food bank use and community need. We are concerned that only some of this critical funding is going to be announced as part of the budget on Feb 10th and community support will be needed.
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