Cooperative Housing Federation of Canada
Ontario Region eALERT, June 3, 2009
The Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Jim Watson, has announced the launch of consultations on his government's long-promised Affordable Housing Strategy.
During the 2007 election, the Liberal Party promised, if re-elected, to create "a long-term strategy for affordable housing that contains a mix of non-profit and co-operative housing." These consultations are being used to get broad public input on the strategy.
The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing has set up a special area on their website with background on the Affordable Housing Strategy and key documents, including a consultation paper.
Meetings will take place in 12 communities across the province between the middle of June and the end of September. The Ontario Region is strongly encouraging housing co-op members and staff to take part in the consultations in your area and to respond to the online questionnaire on the Ministry's website.
You will need to register in advance. You can do this online.
Participants in the sessions will be asked to discuss five key questions. You can also to answer the questions online.
CHF Canada's Ontario members passed resolutions at the 2008 and 2009 annual meetings on what they want to see in the strategy and the importance of co-ops taking part in the consultations.
The Ontario Region will be developing materials to help housing co-ops participate in the consultations. Watch our website for updates.
If you have questions about the consultations or want more information, call Harvey Cooper at 1-800-268-2537 ext. 237.