For Ontario’s 2022 provincial election, Social Planning Toronto will be sharing non-partisan resources from nonprofit partners on voter engagement, local events, and information relevant to nonprofits who are engaging in the election.
What do municipalities need from Ontario to build more inclusive and just communities?
On May 18 we held a non-partisan, pre-election discussion where speakers from across Ontario shared insights, narratives, and recommendations around how the Province could better support and enable municipalities to build stronger, more equitable, and healthier communities.
As cities move out of the pandemic, this non-partisan discussion will inform the broader conversation around what a just and equitable recovery and rebuild should look like.
Couldn't make it? Watch the replay!
Our 2-page fact sheet and 5-page backgrounder outline some of the issues shaped by the special relationship Ontario municipalities have with the Province.
Fact sheet: |
Backgrounder: |
Fact sheet: |
Backgrounder: |
Get out the vote resources
Vote PopUp Kits
There is no better way to demystify the voting process for first-time and infrequent voters than creating a simulated voting station where participants can practice voting. Learn more about Vote PopUp and order everything you need to host your own!
Election Information in 38 Languages
From Elections Ontario. Sign-up for their newsletter to learn when new resources and materials are made available. -
The Neighbourhood Group (TNG) has shared information about voting, ways to be involved in TNGCS’s election efforts, useful resources, and more.
Election 101 Workshop facilitated by Elections Ontario
Recording here:
Topics covered include how to vote, the voting process, accessibility, and more.
Nonprofit advocacy resources
The Ontario Nonprofit Network has an election toolkit and other election advocacy resources to help nonprofits navigate the rules, and a podcast highlighting the innovative ways nonprofits are working together to raise awareness of key issues related to their work and the communities they serve.
Social Planning Council of York Region published an op-ed on the new rules for third-party election advertising.
Issue-based advocacy
- Cycle Toronto has questions to ask your candidates about whether they will commit to moving cycling and road safety priorities forward at Queen’s Park
- The Ontario Environmental Priorities Working Group surveyed all parties represented in the Ontario Legislature around ensuring a prosperous, healthy and sustainable province.
- Justice for Workers have produced a toolkit to help you take action and organize your communities for decent work for all.
- Queer Vote Ontario is a non-partisan campaign to put 2SLGBTQI+ issues on the agenda in the 2022 Ontario Election in order to raise the bar on 2SLGBTQI+ health, safety, and rights in our province.
- MAP Community Expert Group members have written an open letter calling for a basic living standard for OW and ODSP recipients
- Toronto Drop-In Networks has resources to help drop-in participants participate in the election and support the issues they care about.
- OCASI's Election Guide lists the main concerns for refugees, immigrants and migrants and proposes solutions.
- Feed Ontario's Election Platform Tracker will help voters understand what each of Ontario’s four major political parties have promised to do about poverty.
The Coalition for Equitable and Inclusive Development (Crossway Building Tenants Bloor & Dundas, West Neighbourhood House, Parkdale People's Economy, Social Planning Toronto, and Toronto Community Benefits Network) has housing advocacy tools — including a housing pledge card with questions you can ask candidates. Organizations can use this Canva template to adapt/edit to their liking.
- West End Coalition for Housing Justice has developed a Bill 109 advocacy tool
West Neighbourhood House has a non-partisan Housing Policy Comparison Postcard.