A message from Peter Clutterbuck:
It is with great sadness that I learned that Karen Liberman passed away on Thursday, May 24th, 2018. Karen was a long-time community activist, planner, workshop presenter and facilitator.
Karen was Executive Director of North York Inter-Agency and Community Council (NYIACC) from 1991 to 1997. The staff leadership in the other local community planning councils and I worked closely with Karen in 1997 to create the unified Community Social Planning Council, now Social Planning Toronto. Karen and I served as the first Co-Directors of the new Council from 1998 to 2000. Sharing a leadership role with such an energetic and reliable partner was a highlight of my career in social planning.
Following her years in the social planning field, Karen went on to head up the Mood Disorders Association of Ontario where her work had a tremendous impact in building public awareness and understanding of depression and mental health issues. Her compassion and genuine caring for others has touched many lives.
On behalf of the Social Planning Toronto Board and Staff, we send our condolences to Karen's family and loved ones. She will be sadly missed.
Peter Clutterbuck
Interim Executive Director
Social Planning Toronto