Municipal Election 2010
Toronto has more than a million eligible voters. Through focus groups and consultations Toronto residents told us what issues matter to them the most and what information they needed to vote. The SPT Toronto Votes Kits we have provided are based on this research. They contain information on the voting process, fact sheets on the issues, information on community election events, and more. These kits will also be made available in a number of different languages on this page over the coming week, to ensure that this essential information is accessible to as many of Toronto's diverse communities as possible.
We’ve compiled this information about elections and voting to help encourage all of Toronto's eligible voters to cast thier vote during this election.
- Click here to download the English version of the SPT TORONTO VOTES Kit in PDF Format.
The SPT TORONTO VOTES Kit is also available in the following languages: (PDF)
Amharic | Bengali | Chinese | French | Greek | Gujarati | Italian | Korean | Polish| Portuguese| Russian| Somali | Spanish | Tamil | Twi |Vietnamese
Individual TORONTO VOTES fact sheets:
Here are the individual fact sheets from the English version of the SPT TORONTO VOTES Kit:
- Arts
- Child care
- Community Services
- Education
- Employment
- Environment
- Health
- Housing
- Recreation
- Role of Municipal Government
- Safety
- Seniors
- Transit
- Voting
- Women