This event is part of our Housing Policy Forum Series. Read more about the other forums in this series.
Invite you to join in a series of discussions on current housing policy issues
Please join us for a discussion on Rooming Houses
- Introductions 3:00-3:10
- The Panel Discussion: 3:10-3:50
Terry McCullum, LOFT
Rooming houses and other forms of congregate accommodation are part of the wide variety of housing that non-profit housing providers offer. Their experience can help the City arrive at policies that meet the needs and rights of residents, landlords/providers, and others.
Joy Connelly, Researcher
Rooming houses are an important reality in Toronto’s inner suburbs, meeting the housing needs of many people. How do we make sure that housing needs and the voices of rooming house residents are part of the conversation, as the City moves toward new regulatory approaches?
Regini David, West Scarborough Community Legal Services (WSCLS)
Tenants’ perspective should be central to the planning of rooming house policy. WSCLS will work with tenants to bring forward their perspectives on this issue.
Sean Meagher, Social Planning Toronto
Last year’s study on rooming houses found significant data on how rooming houses work, and what they need to work well. That data should guide current analysis.
- Q&A: 3:50-4:00
- Roundtable Discussions: 4:00-4:45
- What models appear to respond most effectively to the needs of all stakeholders and what rules and regulations serve those models?
- What are the opportunities and risks in the City’s new pilot projects and proposed regulatory approaches?
- What sort of community monitoring and community voice is needed as the City moves forward with these new approaches?
- Summaries and Feedback: 4:45-5:00
252 Bloor St W
Room 5160
Toronto, ON M5S 1V6
Google map and directions Add to Calendar 23-06-2017 15:00:00 23-06-2017 17:00:00 15 Housing Policy Forum Series: Rooming Houses This event is part of our Housing Policy Forum Series. Read more about the other forums in this series. In partnership with: Invite you to join in a... 252 Bloor St W, Room 5160, Toronto, ON M5S 1V6, Canada DD/MM/YYYY