This event is part of our Housing Policy Forum Series. Read more about the other forums in this series.

Invite you to join in a series of discussions on current housing policy issues
Please join us for a discussion on TCHC Reform & Tenants First
The Tenants First report is being developed as we speak and will be before Council by this summer. The report addresses a variety of issues already identified including state of good repair, concentration of poverty, engagement of tenants and tenant support systems. What does the current knowledge base in the affordable housing sector tell us about how to address those issues effectively?
Introductions 3:00-3:10
The Panel Discussion: 3:10-3:50
Joeita Gupta, Federation of Metro Tenants' Associations
What are the characteristics of responsible landlords, what pattern approaches, policies and commitments are correlated with positive tenant outcomes?
Maureen Fair, West Neighbourhood House
Residents of low-cost housing often rely on services to support them with the causes and consequences of living on low-incomes. What approaches to the provision of those services shows the best outcomes? What relationship between housing and service provision works best?
John Smith, Social Development, Finance & Administration
How does the city’s emerging approach to service partnership in NIAs affect support for TCHC? What are the implications for TCHC reform?
Doug Rollins, Shelter, Support & Housing Administration
Creating great affordable housing isn’t free. What cost considerations should be built into any analysis of public housing reform?
Ingrid White Palmer, Tenants First Lived Experience Panel
What do tenants see as the hallmark of a good landlord? What assets can TCHC build on and what fundamental changes does it need to make to fill that role?
Q&A: 3:50-4:00
Roundtable Discussions: 4:00-4:45
Summaries and Feedback: 4:45-5:00
246 Bloor St W
Room 720
Toronto, ON M5S 1V4
Google map and directions Add to Calendar 23-05-2017 15:00:00 23-05-2017 17:00:00 15 Housing Policy Forum Series: TCHC Reform & Tenants First Forum This event is part of our Housing Policy Forum Series. Read more about the other forums in this series. In partnership with: Invite you to join in a... 246 Bloor St W, Room 720, Toronto, ON M5S 1V4, Canada Ajay Ram [email protected] DD/MM/YYYY