Membership for Individuals

You can support Social Planning Toronto in two ways:

  1. As a Member: As a paid member of Social Planning Toronto, you support and influence our vital city-building role. Individual members will receive notice of Special Members meetings and the Annual General Meeting and can attend and ask questions, but they do not have the right to vote on motions or to elect the Board of Directors.


    Membership Fees*:

    Individual members  


    Students/Seniors/Unwaged persons


    *We don't want the cost of membership to be a barrier to your participation in our work. If you would like to be a member but can't afford a membership we encourage you to contact us about options.

    Click here for the individual membership form to complete and return to our offices at 2 Carlton Street, Suite 1720, Toronto M5B 1J3 or by email to [email protected].

  2. As a Donor: Donors are also key supporters of our work. Unlike membership fees, most donations are eligible for charitable donation receipts, and as a donor, you can attend the AGM. Donating is easy! Click here for an online form, or continue to send cheques to our offices at 2 Carlton Street, Suite 1720, Toronto  M5B 1J3.

Both members and donors will receive our mailings and updates about our work. 

We value your support. Please join with us in 2022, as a donor, member, or both, to work for equity and social justice in our city. 


Are you an organization or agency interested in membership? Click here. 


Individual Membership

  • Amount
  • Name
  • Payment
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