In 2023, Social Planning Toronto introduced its new Strategic Plan for 2023-2027. The plan includes three strategic imperatives:
- Strengthen the collaborative policy and systems change muscle of a network of change agents to ensure a better city for all.
- Lead in sharing knowledge, setting expectations, and ensuring policy and community investment decisions are democratic and based on community input.
- Influence the public narrative on what Toronto needs.
The plan also outlines Social Planning Toronto's theory of change:
We help guide collective action to change policies, strategies, programs, and investments to improve the lives of low-income, Indigenous, Black, racialized, women, and 2SLGBTQ+ people and those with disabilities. We achieve this through our community-centred research and advocacy, civic capacity building and engagement work, as well as our public engagement activities and our ability to centre equity, reconciliation, and work alongside economically and socially marginalized communities.
You can read the full strategic plan here.