In April 2007, Social Planning Toronto (SPT), in partnership with Davenport-Perth Neighbourhood Centre, The STATUS Campaign, and the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Immigration Campaign released the Toronto Community Services Resource Guide.
The resource guide was created to help immigrants residing in Toronto without Canadian immigration status to access essential community and social programs and services (education, health care, housing, legal advice, etc) safely and without fear of having to divulge their immigration status, or having their status disclosed to immigration officials. This multi-lingual tool also functions as a referral guide for community workers and front-line staff, so that they can better assist their clients without status.
Since its release, over 600 copies of the guide have been distributed along with numerous visits to our online version. The current edition of the guide can be found here. The guide is still being requested by individuals and agencies across the city - a recognition of the numerous barriers that non-status residents are confronted with and the precarious situation they live in everyday. With an estimated 20,000 to 500,000 non-status immigrants living in Canada, many of whom are residing in Toronto, it is imperative that they can access necessary services.
SPT is currently beginning work on a second edition of the guide. This new version will include a list of additional services and resources, updated information, as well as providing maps of each agency’s location in the city. We will also be translating the document into additional languages to broaden its use in other ethno-specific communities.
In order to build upon the number of programs and services that non-status people in the city can access, we would like to include your organization in the second edition of the guide. In order to ensure that people lacking status can safely access your services and programs, we would greatly appreciate you completing a brief online survey detailing your work with this population. This is to, above all, ensure the safety of non-status residents and their families.
We are asking that you please fill out the online survey and review your organization’s information at your earliest convenience. We appreciate your participation on this important initiative. If you have any inquiries please feel free to contact Navjeet Sidhu at [email protected] or at 416-351-0095x219.
Thank you very much for your cooperation.